Autodesk University or AU as it is often referred to is being held at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas once again this year. This is the fifth year that it has been held in Las Vegas, while it has been a blast for the last four years it will be nice to have it in a different location if AU is put on again in 2005. I remember the first year that I went and it was the first time that it was held in four different locations:
North - Chicago (I attended this one and it was my first time at AU)
East - Boston
South - Dallas (not Houston)
West - San Francisco
That was supposed to be the last year of AU as Autodesk was going to do things via the web. There were lots of people that were upset about that call. So the following year it was once again being held in a single location and that was Las Vegas, and it was a great place to revive such a great event. The conference is located in the Conference Center which is attached to the MGM Grand... but is roughly about 1 mile from the hotel rooms. So if you are planning on going to AU this year it is best to pack walking shoes as you will be making the trip at least once if not several times a day down to the Conference Center. AU is a great place to network with new and existing friends, learn something that you can't learn any place else and part with AutoCAD users. Ok... if you are trying to get your boss to sign off on you going make sure not to mention that parties... makes things harder for you to go and easier for him or her to want to go then.
Click to the MGM Grand website
Let me hear if you are going to AU or your past experiences about the event.
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