So what exactly is a RSS? RSS is a format that syndicating content or news from web sites or weB Logs (Blogs). This feed is built up of the changes that might have occured on a website or blog during a period of time. This then allows an application to display the recent changes in news aggregator.
So why is this important to you? Time is important whether we are at home with our family or at work. The news aggregators work and feel very similar to NNTP, which is often used in combination with Outlook Express. As I have found many blog sites very useful over the past couple months it became a choir to visit each of them to see what is new each day of every other day. This is where the news aggregators can save you a lot of time. They do all the work for you by telling what is new on the site in a matter of moments.
I am currently looking at two different news aggregators right now. One at home and one at work. I will most likely take a look at a couple others before I decided which one works best for me. The two that I am currently running are RSS Bandit (at work) and SharpReader (at home). Both were very easy to install and start using with out needing to reference any type of install instructions.
RSS and News Aggregator links
Want to know a little bit more about RSS? Click here.
Many of the popular RSS Readers are referenced on this page.
SharpReader web site
RSS Bandit web site (located on SourceForge.Net)
You might like to check out Sauce Reader. Outlook 2003 style UI, integrated weblog posting and much more.
cheers, Nathan
Posted by: Nathan | Wednesday, August 18, 2004 at 03:43 AM