Both of my last days in San Rafael were very fast paced and at times hard to absorb all of the information. These last couple of days in the Advanced ObjectARX class dealt a lot with COM. I really haven't done much in the shape and form of COM in the past as I just didn't need to with the things that I work on. I see the benefits of the COM wrapping of custom objects and creating custom Tools for the Tool Palette Window, but like anything it will take a little bit of practice, trial/error and some long hours.
I also spent lunch on Thursday with some of the folks at Autodesk, we went out to a pretty good place for Chinese food. Later that day, after I got out of class I walked down the hill from the Coppertop building to the Civic North and South buildings where more of the Autodesk employees work. I think there is a total of four buildings with in about a couple blocks from each other. Shaan Hurley, gave me a tour of the building and I was able to meet many of the people that I have talked to on the phone or in the Autodesk forums. The atmosphere around the building was very up and positive wherever you turned.
Friday was my day to come back to Wisconsin... left the warmth west coast for the cold of the North Midwest. It would have been nice to spend a couple more days out there, but I had prior arrangements to head to Chicago on Monday and Tuesday.
Thanks to everyone that I met at Autodesk for a great time. The ObjectARX training was great and very informative.