I have finished putting the final touches on Chapters 11 - 13 for my VBA book this past weekend.
Chapter 11: Storing & Retrieving Data for Future Use
This chapter focuses up working with System Variables, Windows Registry, XData and XRecords.
Chapter 12: Modifying Objects in a Drawing
This chapter focuses up on modifying objects that are already in a drawing. It covers things like Mirroring, Copying and many other methods that are used for modifying objects.
Chapter 13: Formatting with Colors, Linetypes, Lineweights and Layers
This chapter focuses on formatting properties of an object. These include work with True Colors along with Layers, Linetypes and Lineweights too. I also take a look at Layer States and how they can be used to help working on drawings.
I will give an update on what is going on for the next chapters once they have been completed. As you can see the chapter outline has been revised compared to the original list of chapters that I put together. As I was working through many of the chapters, things came up before they were talked about so I had to revise the order of some of the content. If you have any questions or comments just let me know.