I have been participating on many different levels over the years that revolve around improving AutoCAD. Autodesk is always looking for customer feedback in the form of beta testers and even quick surveys. Even at events like AU they try to set up times and meetings to talk to their customers about things that could be improved to help your work flow.
When I first started participating I thought it was just simply a way for Autodesk to make their customers feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside, but if you look at the latest releases of AutoCAD. The product speaks for itself and all of the many customer asked for enhancements that come directly out of things like the AUGI Wish list and feedback from its customers.
So get out there and make a New Year resolution (its not too late yet) and contribute to the tool that you use on a daily basis.
Hardware Survey
AutoCAD Survey
In the Denver area... Autodesk is conducting a research project on AutoCAD 2006.
Click to enroll
Have more time that you would like to give back in the form of feedback.... then why not sign up to be a beta participant. Signup at the My Feedback site that is hosted by Autodesk.
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