Hello all out there... it has been a very wild and crazy last couple of months, but hope to be post on a more frequent basis. I have been working on some projects for my website (coming soon features and content) and for other companies, so that is were most of my attention has been lately. The reason why I am posting tonight is that I have recently noticed some abuse taking place on my blog, so I have decided to implement one of the newest features that TypePad provides to its bloggers.
Many of my fellow bloggers use the feature as well, but due to some poor in taste trackbacks and comments that I have been deleting from the blog posts it has forced me to implement the approval system for all comments and trackbacks. So if you do post comments please continue to do so and if the comments are appropriate content they will be approved with no problems. This is to simply stop those that attempt to use web forums and blogs as a way to transport spam across the net.