The September issue of AUGI HotNews brings a depth of many new articles and range of content.
Migration Madness: When to Move
When is the optimum time to migrate to new Autodesk software releases? This article investigates the reasons for migrating and provides tips on when to make the move.
Customization Corner: Looking Through CUI Panes
How to read the panes in AutoCAD 2006 software's CUI (Customize User Interface).
Tips & Tricks for Knock-out Blocks
Take the tedium out of block management with the Dynamic Blocks feature in AutoCAD 2006 software. Here are tips for using this super time-saver.
The above listing are some of the highlights of the newsletter, but there are many other great articles in this issue. To access all the articles of the issue head to the AUGI website and click the Publications section, then AUGI HotNews.
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