Wow, have I been slacking in the blogging department. After my most recent post, yesterday, I just noticed that there was over a month and a half that I didn't blog anything. Well over the past month and a half I have been diverting a lot of my extra time to my web site, it has been neglected for way to long. When the website was originally launched back in 1996 - 1998 as a few pages under my AOL account at the time the web site was for the most part nothing very fancy, but then again what was back in those days. Anyways, as the site grew and moved to its own domain much of the original aspects of the design still were kept; however the site changed and evolved into a much more complex site that became very tough to manage and update.
After about 6+ years of updates and attempts to overhaul the site it just became and more messed up and ended up with about 4 - 5 different looks and formats to the site. While the transition has not been fully completed yet, the site should be much easier to navigate, easier to go through and most importantly of all will have a uniform look and feel to the entire site. Once this transition period is done, I will be able to refocus on delivering new content again.