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Barry Ralphs

Man you beat me to it. I read the same thing and wanted to post the same info. Nice job.
And the new layout of the web site also looks great.

urvi bhatt

Double click editing is not working for dimension in autocad 2006.Can you help me to do that??

Lee Ambrosius

Double-clicking a Dimension in AutoCAD 2006 or earlier results in the Properties palette being displayed. Youi can use a custom routine that I created a few years back for AutoCAD 2004 to specify which command to use for each object type. See the following page and download CustomDblClkEdit.zip.

VBA Downloads page - http://www.hyperpics.com/customization/vb_vba/vba_downloads.asp

Ted Wessale

I was the one who made this suggestion and I have been so out of the CAD loop since then with many changes in life, I hadn't had a chance to check it out. About a year ago I decided to try it in 2007, and it never worked so I said fewey to them for telling me it would be utalized in 2007. But just yesterday I decided to do some digging around in CAD and found teh CUI editor had a string called "double click". "Yeah!", I thought to myself as I felt rather good about promoting this and seeing it come through. Then I tried it out and I must say that is about the most botched thing they have added. I can't get it to stay constant in it's settings. Has anyone else had issues with it's functionality or am I setting up actions wrong?

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