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Cyril Elkaim


Good job!

I have a question , I don't find any information about the DATALINK objects in the DXF documentation, Do you know where I could find it?


Lee Ambrosius

The DATALINK object isn't documented currently in the DXF Reference, the requests to document this information comes from the team that implements the feature. The Datalink feature pre-dates my time as the AutoCAD API Writer, so I don't want to speculate why it wasn't documented. I will add this to my list of things to look into for a future update, no promises as to when it might be documented though.

DATALINK objects are stored in the "ACAD_DATALINK" named dictionary and can be obtained with the DICTSEARCH AutoLISP function among other APIs.

(dictsearch (namedobjdict) "ACAD_DATALINK")

Once you have the entity name of the "ACAD_DATALINK" dictionary, you can then get the Datalinks that are defined in the drawing.

(entget (cdr (assoc 360 (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "ACAD_DATALINK" T))))

((-1 . ) (0 . "DATALINK") (5 . "203") (102 . "{ACAD_REACTORS") (330 . ) (102 . "}") (330 . ) (100 . "AcDbDataLink") (1 . "AcExcel") (300 . "") (301 . "Data Link\nTest Datalink\nC:\\Users\\ambrosl\\Documents\\chair.xls\nLink details: Entire sheet: Sheet1") (302 . "C:\\Users\\ambrosl\\Documents\\chair.xls!Sheet1") (90 . 2) (91 . 68943873) (92 . 1) (170 . 2017) (171 . 12) (172 . 11) (173 . 16) (174 . 11) (175 . 20) (176 . 0) (177 . 1) (93 . 0) (304 . "") (94 . 1) (330 . ) (360 . ) (305 . "CUSTOMDATA") (1 . "DATAMAP_BEGIN") (90 . 3) (300 . "ACEXCEL_CONNECTION_STRING") (301 . "DATAMAP_VALUE") (93 . 2) (90 . 4) (1 . "C:\\Users\\ambrosl\\Documents\\chair.xls!Sheet1") (94 . 0) (300 . "") (302 . "") (304 . "ACVALUE_END") (300 . "ACEXCEL_SOURCEDATE") (301 . "DATAMAP_VALUE") (93 . 2) (90 . 8) (92 . 16) (310 . "E0070900030007000A00110021000000") (94 . 0) (300 . "") (302 . "") (304 . "ACVALUE_END") (300 . "ACEXCEL_UPDATEOPTIONS") (301 . "DATAMAP_VALUE") (93 . 2) (90 . 1) (91 . 68943873) (94 . 0) (300 . "") (302 . "") (304 . "ACVALUE_END") (309 . "DATAMAP_END"))

What information are you specifically looking for?


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