While the AutoCAD 2018 product was released only about a month ago, the first developer documentation content update has been released. In recent years, content updates have been released once in the Summer and Fall months. However, we are going to try and release content more frequently this year. With updates being more frequent, the scope of the changes made will most likely be smaller but allow us to be more reactive. The following outlines the recent changes to the AutoCAD developer documentation:
- Fixed the ID related to the What's New topic in the Managed .NET Reference; clicking Back to return to the topic in the Help Window or Browser should no longer return a 404 error. The browser cache might need to be cleared to see this change.
- Customization and Administration content now has a TOC; was not ready at the time of the AutoCAD 2018 product release. (http://help.autodesk.com/view/OARX/2018/ENU/?guid=GUID-91E01021-96F3-47E8-944D-72BC90BA06CC)
- Added a new topic that explains how to create an interop assembly for the Transmittal Library which is needed when using the library in a Managed .NET application [To Create an Interop Assembly of the Transmittal Type Library (ActiveX/ATO)].
- Shortened the publication names for the components in the developer documentation; this should make it easier to identify a publication in the list and reduce scrolling in the future when additional entries are added.
If you find something that is missing or wrong in the documentation, let me know and I can get it added to the list of changes being worked on.