A couple months ago I was asked to come down for a couple days in Chicago and sit in on a Visual Basic for Applications, more commonly referred to as VBA, session in AutoCAD. This is an Introduction for people that might have some or no experience with customizing AutoCAD using VBA. VBA was added back in AutoCAD R14 on the install CD as a Preview Edition and then later it was released as part of the main install in AutoCAD R14.01. I have been using VBA since R14, so I am interested on how this session and its presentation will go.
The course is being offered through Taylor Technology. For me this will be a mini-vacation after spending a week in San Rafael in ObjectARX training. Taylor Technology offers both standard and custom classes for its customers. Their training schedule can be found at the link below for future classes.
Training offered from Taylor Technologies and the locations they are being offered at.
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